Oct 16, 2024
Dear friends and colleagues,
As autumn unfolds, we continue our mission of advocating for justice and equity at Justly Prudent. This month, we shine a spotlight on our ongoing efforts to challenge systemic injustices and protect the rights of our clients. Our recent case filings and battles in the courts reflect our unwavering commitment to fighting discrimination, ensuring fair treatment, and holding institutions accountable for their actions.
In this issue, you'll find updates on our latest case update and other news, alongside insightful resources on navigating civil rights issues. We’re proud to stand with you in the pursuit of a more just society, where every individual has the opportunity to thrive free from bias and inequity.
Please feel free to share this newsletter with those who might benefit from our work. If you have any questions or need support, do not hesitate to reach out. Together, let's keep pushing for positive change.
Thank you for being a part of our community.
- Attorney Jordan D. Howlette
Link to newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/jdhowlettelaw/know-your-rights-when-interacting-with-police-14171916