Case Summary
In August 2021, Officer Magassouba was terminated by the Prince George's County Police Department (PGCPD) after he refused to change his witness statement to protect a White officer who used blatant excessive force during an unjustified arrest of a Black female civilian. The PGCPD tried to cover up its true motives for the termination by launching an Internal Affairs investigation into Officer Magassouba's background, culminating in a ridiculous claim that he failed to list two alleged interactions he had with police in 2001 and 2004 on his employment application.
View the unjustified arrest and use of force that started everything at:
Link to Complaint

Recent Case Update(s)
On June 17, 2024, Defendants' moved for summary judgment, which we opposed.
We're currently awaiting the Court's ruling on Defendants' motion for summary judgment.
Last updated on July 24, 2024.